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Mesa de trabajo 2 copia 0

Prepare for the Unthinkable: Real-Life Emergency Stories

In a world where unexpected emergencies can strike at any moment, emergency preparedness plan is paramount. Survival Med and 1791 EDC have teamed up to empower individuals with essential skills and tools to navigate these situations confidently. Real-life stories of survival underscore the importance of readiness. Through this collaboration, we aim to inspire and equip you, so you’re always prepared for life’s unpredictable challenges. Discover how you can participate, learn, and win with Survival Med and 1791 EDC, and dive into the gripping real-life stories of survival.

“It was June 2021. I was driving home from work (Charleston, SC). I was taking an alternate route due to a necessary stop on my way home. I was waiting for traffic, third car in my lane. I heard a motorcycle accelerating hard to come through the light. The car in position 1 in my turn lane turned left and the motorcycle impacted the turning car at the B pillar. The ride and bike were vaulted down the street and actually came to a stop around my front bumper. The bike actually missed my truck by inches and came to a stop around 100 ft behind my truck.

I looked down and saw the right femur protruding through his pants and immediately blood started to poor out. I grabbed my personal IFAK and immediately put on a tourniquet. He came as I tightened the tourniquet properly. I had to hold him down to stop him from trying to take it off, due to the pain. EMS arrived almost immediately. The paramedic saw the tourniquet and asked who had put it on. I looked up and said I had. They took over and quickly got him to the hospital(level 1 trauma unit). The paramedic threw me a TQ to replace the one I used, as they loaded him up and left. The PD took my information and I left.

Approximately 6 weeks later I received a phone call. It was the guy that I put the TQ on. He was very emotional and incredibly thankful for my intervention. He had completely severed his femoral artery and was told in no uncertain terms that if I had not intervened he would have bled out before EMS arrived. He made a full recovery after 4 surgeries. The lady of course said it wasn’t her fault. I was asked to come to court and testify. She was convicted. I carry three iFAKS in my truck now.”

Adrian Saldaña

“We were sitting in our house with family and friends enjoying each other’s company. While we were eating, my wife started coughing. As she stood up rapidly,she began to gag. Everyone just sat and asked the normal question, are you okay. Just drink some water and wash it down, they said.

I noticed she was having trouble breathing. As I began to set my plate of food down, she began to go full on choke. Then she put her hands in the choking position. Everyone just sat and did nothing. Deer in the headlight syndrome. I got in behind her as quickly as I could, and performed the heimlich maneuver. When the food was dislodged, she began to breathe normally. As tears formed she thanked me for saving her. I couldn’t breathe, she said.

Again, everyone else all dumbfounded, began saying, yes we are glad you knew what to do, and how to do the maneuver. What is that maneuver called, they asked. At this point I was happy the wife was okay. Yet now I am dumbstruck. All these adults had no idea what to do, or notice the signs of someone in distress. This is something I had learned back in middle or high school.

This experience taught that I need to be more prepared for any and all situations/emergencies. And not to assume others know what to do in these situations. We, my wife and I are now CPR/AED certified. I would encourage everyone to re-learn the basics.”

Daniel Simpson

“While driving back to work I noticed a car that appeared to have made a slow speed impact into a telephone pole at an intersection near the entrance to the university I was working at. As I got closer I saw that a male was removing an elderly woman from the car and laying her on the ground.

I secured my vehicle and identified myself as trained in CPR/First Aid. At the time I was a Red Cross certified Lifeguard / First Aid / CPR instructor. I assessed the woman and she was not breathing and had no pulse. I started compressions and rescue breathing and continued until a voluntary EMS unit arrived with AED.

The AED indicated no shock recommended and I continued CPR until EMS relieved me and readied the woman for transport. Unfortunately the woman did not survive. That was the first and only time I had used my skills but no doubt that the repetition of teaching numerous courses and certifying dozens of lifeguards prepared me for the situation.”

Thomas Battaglia

Click here to submit your emergency story and participate in winning an EDC organizer! (The entry deadline is: 11:59 PM ET 9/30/2023.  No prizes have been awarded yet). 

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